Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Ultimate Travel Bag Progress
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Tuesday ToDo #86
Other than finishing my green stained glass blocks, I haven't really done much sewing this month.
But my local quilt guild has a quilt show⏤the Festival of Quilts⏤planned in March and I'd like to display some of my best finished quilts, so I am trying to get those ready. Most can go as they are, but I'll need to add labels to any that don't already have them.I've also decided to finally get back to work on an insulated shopping bag for my husband. After my earlier failed attempt, I decided to try a largish-ByAnnie Bag: Her Ultimate Travel Bag 2.0. I've finally cut out the fabric I quilted last August.
So, my plan for the coming week is to:
- Make Muslin quilt labels for the quilts that still need them. (I think there are 4 total.)
- Finish binding the Morris Garden quilt so I can submit it to the quilt show.
- Add hanging sleeves, if required, to all the quilts.
- Begin working on the Ultimate Travel Bag. I still need to cut out the coordinating fabric pieces. And I've ordered the required hardware bits, so it will be several days before I can really get started.
Linking up with TuesdayToDo.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Green Blocks Finished
The later blocks definitely look better than the first few, but I doubt I'll take the time to make more of them. These blocks are easy, but VERY time consuming. Admittedly, I did not have a tidy workstation set up with everything in reach so I was getting up to iron and cut quite a lot.

To be honest, I don't love these blocks. I've made quite a lot of scrap quilts over the past couple of years and many of them had green fabrics so my green scrap supply was pretty picked over. These blocks would have looked a lot better with more medium greens in them.
Anyway, this is my planned arrangement of the rainbow blocks when I'm finally finished making them.
I've already finished the red and yellow blocks a couple years ago, so I'll be back at it when purple, blue or orange next come up.
Linking up with
Friday, January 12, 2024
RSC Green Stained Glass Blocks
I've been making slow progress on my stained glass blocks the past few days. I'd forgotten how long these blocks take to make. I tend to make piles of scraps and try to match up sizes. Once I've gotten a pretty big pile, then I try to assemble them into finished blocks. There's a good video on how to make them here: How to Sew a Scrappy Stained Glass Block.
I've finished three blocks so far, they're along the top.
I need 12 green blocks total so I'll try to combine partially assembled chunks and finish up the remaining blocks this week.Linking up with Needle & Thread Thursday.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Tuesday ToDo #85
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Tuesday ToDo #84
Somehow it is January and I did not finish all the projects I'd hoped to before the end of the year. We had a last-minute unplanned project down in our basement and it took over my schedule. If you're interested, I blogged about it over at our house blog: Laurelhurst Craftsman.
Finally, today, I am back on to quilting tasks. I actually had a customer quilt dropped off in early December and the customer said she wouldn't be able to pick it up until January, so I just set it aside. Today, I finally got it on the long arm and finished quilting it. It is a pretty, very scrappy project.
I've also put together a backing for the yellow and light blue broken bricks quilt so I can put it on the long arm tomorrow.
For the rest of the week, I'm hoping to finish the purple-yellow broken bricks quilt for my friend Denise.
I need to decide if I'm going to try and participate in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I totally failed at it last year. I think I will at least try and resume work on my stained glass blocks from two years ago. Since I left off last time on the color Green, and that is this month's color, it seems sort of like fate.
This is what I'm hoping the finished quilt will look like.
Finally, it would also be nice to finish the bindings on those quilts that I didn't finish in December. So I have lots to do this month.
Linking up with Tuesday ToDo.