Monday, January 20, 2025

Fall Foliage Nearly Finished

My weekend unexpectedly freed up so I was able to spend it working on my Fall Foliage quilt! I'm delighted with how it is turning out.

Since I made this primarily from fabrics that have been in my stash for years, all the pieces were a yard or less. I need about a yard for the two borders and the binding and I don't have enough of any of the fabrics. I'd like to use the darkest green fabric, and I'd settle for one of the darker rust colors, but I don't have enough of either. Sigh.

I did find a quilt shop online where I could buy more of the darkest green fabric, but I don't know if I want to wait for shipping and prewashing to finish this quilt. (And I, of course, would buy enough to get free shipping.)

I dug around in my stash and I found this batik that is close to the right color, but I'm picky enough to not be quite satisfied with it because I never used it in the quilt. I'm probably just being overly fastidious.

I was hoping to finish this today, but I think I'll sleep on it for a day and decide whether to buy more fabric, or just settle for this batik. What would you guys do? 

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  1. I agree with Nancy. It looks very good. My experience with buying "extra" fabric online is that it rarely is the same dye lot and is often quite different from what I'm trying to match. I end up with a lot of extra fabric for my stash. LOL!

  2. Use what you have! The new order is unlikely to really match any better and DONE is always a better option!

  3. I think the batik green will look great! Use it! Then of course, you are making room for 'something' else. :)

  4. I say use it--it looks good. If anything from my stash works well enough, I always take that opportunity to use it up!

  5. I'd skip the wait and use the batik. ;) Thanks for sharing in the Sew & Tell party.

  6. Your Fall Foliage quilt is stunning!!

  7. Now that is my kind of quilt. Love the colors and the pattern. Fall is my favorite. You have made excellent progress and your quilt is lovely. Enjoy!

  8. What a gorgeous quilt! I think a deep rust would be lovely for your borders. xx

  9. This is so pretty Sharon. I love fall quilts. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!
