About 3 weeks ago I came down with a pretty severe cold. It probably wasn't covid, but I wasn't tested. The cold wasn't debilitating, bit it left me with no energy or motivation to do anything. I mostly sat around and streamed movies.
I did finish the last of the eleven charity quilts. I am not going to show photos of all of them, but there are a few I'm pleased with. I tried out new pantographs and played with some new techniques to get them cropped right at the edge.
Cherokee Rose pantograph. This was a little fussy to get offset correctly, but I really like it so I'll definitely have to do it on one of my own quilts. |
I don't need to finish the binding on these quilts and they'll be returned to the Quilts Beyond Borders charity.
A couple weeks ago, I spent most of a day cutting out the Snake River log cabin quilt, and then I realized my brother needed a king size quilt. I tried to figure out how to make the Snake River bigger, but I just didn't like any of the ideas I came up with, so ultimately I decided to change the plan.
I wasted so many hours trying to come up with another idea that would use at least some of the fabric I'd already cut out. Finally, I decided to make another Paducah log cabin quilt. The finished size was a couple inches bigger than the Snake River and it would be a LOT easier to add an extra border strip. It should end up about 100"x100", which is big enough.
This is one of Judy Martin's suggested layouts and I liked it when I first decided to make this quilt again, but now I'm not sure I do, I may change it to the more traditional log cabin layout. |
These blocks only use a few of the same length pieces, but because all the strips are the same 1½-inches wide, I can cut them down to the smaller lengths with not a lot of waste.
Finally over the weekend, I felt like sewing again. This is about a quarter of the total blocks I need for the center section.
My brother's favorite colors are brown and olive/drab-greens; I appreciate the chance to use up some of these old William Morris reproduction prints I bought way too much of more than a decade ago.
My ToDo list for the week is simply to continue making blocks. I need 144 total of the center blocks and 52 border blocks so it will likely take me more than a week to finish this one.
Linking up with Tuesday ToDo, Midweek Makers and Wednesday Wait Loss.