Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday ToDo #85

I finished the purple and yellow broken bricks flimsy. Since I assembled it for a friend to give as a gift, I'll let her make the backing the next time she visits.
I also finished quilting the blue and yellow broken bricks quilt. I used scrap 80-20 batting and quilted it with the Daisies 4 pantograph by Donna Kleinke. I used the So Fine Digeridoo thread I bought inexpensively last year. Once I had finished, I wished I'd used blue thread instead. I am still learning what thread colors will look good on quilts.
I have finally started working on my green stained glass blocks again. So far, I don't have any finished blocks, just lots of pieces. I tend to sew misc sized chunks and then at the end I join them up into blocks. I'll post a photo soon.

My plan for the coming week is to continue working on the green stained glass blocks. I need 12 blocks total and I'd like to finish them this week so I'll have time later in the month to work on bindings.

Linking up with:


  1. I like your bricks quilts! That design would work in any color combination. Good luck with your list this week!

  2. Both are great with the yellow in them. I get jealous when I read of those using their long arms as I know that is something that I will never have.
