Friday, December 1, 2023

Broken Bricks Flimsy

My lesson has been learned; that "light" blue doesn't quite work. I definitely should have used white for the little blocks, but I had a ton of that blue scrap leftover from the Queen's Jewel quilt I made a couple years ago. I thought/hoped it would work. It looked so light in the original quilt, but next to the yellow and light blues, it looks dark. Oh well. I'll probably go ahead and quilt this one and pass it on to Comfort Quilts via the Northwest Quilters Guild.

I used what scraps I had that went with the color scheme but I did cut a few strips off yardage. And the borders and backing are from stash. It's nice to use some of these fabrics that have been in my sewing room for decades. 

I also made progress on another quilt from my friend who visited a couple weeks ago. She left me fabrics to make another of these Broken Bricks quilts for her niece. It went together quickly, but I set it aside when I didn't really like the arrangement of fabrics. I would have to do a bunch of ripping to rearrange the blocks though, and since I'm only willing to spend so much time on a freebie, I'll go ahead and put the borders on it today for Friday Night with Friends.

Since this is the third broken bricks quilt in a row, I'm ready for something different for the next project. LOL


  1. Blue and yellow is one of my favourite colour combos so I love your top. xx

    1. Yeah, I figure some folks are less critical than I am so I'm sure somebody will love it. It's good to get this opportunity to learn this lesson in a small project.

  2. Well I love the way this turned out. Sometimes color will do the work of value and sometimes not. This quilt will be well loved as blue and yellow is always a great combo. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

    1. Thanks. I'm glad it was just one of my broken bricks quilts that I practice with. I'm sure somebody needy will love the colors.

  3. Thank you for joining in FNwF in 2023.
    Merry Christmas to you & the family...xox

  4. Oh I think it works!!! Those colors together are just a little muted compared to the one under it - but still very pretty!!
